
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life Changing Unity

Philippians 2:1-4

So now that you are in Christ and are enjoying life in the Spirit, isn't it great. Isn't it amazing the way that when Christians are at their best, there is a oneness that is out of this world.

So if you have been encouraged by seeing and experiencing the selfless love of others toward you, then let's make Paul's joy in this unity complete. Let us turn around and do the same.

Let us all be like-minded. It is not about us!! Consider the interests of others as more important than yours. (Romans 12:9-16 also speaks to this)

What would your co-workers think if you started treating their ideas as more important than yours? What about your wife or your husband? How about your kids? When is the last time you really listened to what they said and not just wait till they were done before you got the last say?

This verse will really hit home when we allow it to be seen at home! And when this happens, there is not greater joy!