
Thursday, December 29, 2011


Why is it that no matter what you do, it ends up being misunderstood? Have you ever felt like that? So, what do you do in those situations? Do you find yourself sulking wishing people would understand your intentions? Or maybe you stand up for yourself and try to prove how your way is that right way. It might be that you choose to apologize hoping they will forgive you instantly.

The truth is that misunderstandings will happen from time to time. There is not much we can do about them.

Jesus lived his life with people misunderstanding him, including his own apostles. On some occasions he would try to teach them through those moments, but there were time when they still didn't understand. Jesus would leave it alone and let them understand on their own time.

Those who didn't know Jesus like the apostles didn't even get the teaching moments. Jesus would speak in parables and many would not understand what he was saying. While he explained it to his disciples, he did not always do the same for the crowds. They weren't at a place that they would understand. While Jesus would have loved for them to understand, he knew that trying to explain something to a crowd that expected an earthly king, would be futile discussion. And so he let the parables remain in their heads for something that would give them more understanding as they sought to know him more.

Still, many misunderstood him and his purpose on this earth and crucified him. They considered him a fraud. And Jesus submitted to this humiliation and shame. Of course it was all part of the plan that Jesus knew he must endure. But he did it because of love.

Certainly, we can let our way go when we are misunderstood. There is no rule written that says that everyone has to understand you at all time or even most of the time. It's ok. Let it go. Love the people who misunderstand you and be ready for a renewed relationship with you. And if they should never come to understand you and open up that relationship again, let it go. Remember, Jesus did the same. And it made the world a better place.

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