
Monday, July 30, 2012

How Sin Finds Us

Genesis 13:10-13 NIV

"Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company: Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the people of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord."

See it at

We may wonder how sin finds us. We have come up with many excuses as to why we do some of the things we do. Truth is, if we would just pay attention to where we are everyday, we might find why we are so prone to sin the way that we do. 

Here is an example with Lot. Lot chose what he thought was a great place to live. He set up his home just outside of Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain. But Sodom was a wicked city. I don't think lot knew that when he made his decision to live in this area, but it definitely had an influence on him, because before you know it, he is living in the actual city (after he knew it was evil) He became desynthesized by their way of living. 
Pay attention to your surroundings. Keep yourself free from sin.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life Changing Unity

Philippians 2:1-4

So now that you are in Christ and are enjoying life in the Spirit, isn't it great. Isn't it amazing the way that when Christians are at their best, there is a oneness that is out of this world.

So if you have been encouraged by seeing and experiencing the selfless love of others toward you, then let's make Paul's joy in this unity complete. Let us turn around and do the same.

Let us all be like-minded. It is not about us!! Consider the interests of others as more important than yours. (Romans 12:9-16 also speaks to this)

What would your co-workers think if you started treating their ideas as more important than yours? What about your wife or your husband? How about your kids? When is the last time you really listened to what they said and not just wait till they were done before you got the last say?

This verse will really hit home when we allow it to be seen at home! And when this happens, there is not greater joy!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Strong Leaders - Titus 1

The setting is Crete, an island off the coast of Greece in the Mediterranean. The people of Crete are known for their business tactics and not in good way.
They are known to be liars and cheats. Check out verses Titus 1:10-12. A pretty tough environment to start a church. But the church was established in many cities in Crete, and it is in dire need to have solid leaders.
Paul gives Titus the instruction to establish these leaders throughout the island.
There are some high standards of living that these men must live up too. Among the standards are living a blameless life and living honestly. A quality that was not real easy to find on the island. But Titus did it.
Actually, when you look at the standards for elders, they really should be the standards for Christians everywhere. But if you are wanting an entire new church to take on these characteristics, it better start with the leadership. They are the ones who are to lead by example. They are the ones that members can look to in order to see what God expects. While no body is perfect, elders should be the cream of the crop.
This is not an easy task when you stop and think about it. After all, if you know that you are among the top, you run the risk of developing a proud heart. Elders should be humble yet know that they have a task and shepherding the flock. In other words, they know they have the gifts of leadership and are humbled by it. They recognize where the gifts came from and realize the need to use those gifts. In other words, it is a calling. One that is not taken lightly. They realize the importance of living a higher standard and must be disciplined and surrendered in all they do.
Caring for the body of Christ is no easy task, but it is an important one. And a good elder is priceless to the young Christian who is trying to see how to live life on earth with a heart that wants to serve God.
The churches in Crete definitely needed Godly leadership if they were to change their behavior to be more inline with God's teachings.
So as I conclude my thoughts on Titus 1, what I see is that God has a structure in place in the church that is designed to foster relationships, teachings, caring, and sometimes judging. He does this to help all believers come to know him more. When elders are in place that lead their flock and provide opportunities for growth and relationship with others and God, then you a church that will flourish and grow in amazing ways. What a great impact that would have on the church and the community the church is in.

At least that's what I think.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

On the Road Marked With Suffering - Job 2-3

Job 2-3
Satan tries again
Round 2.
Satan tries again to get Job to curse God and die.
Satan has his meeting with God where he is adamant about his reasons why Job still hangs on to his integrity. It is because God has protected his health. So Satan gets permission go touch his health without killing him.
So Satan does his worst. He inflicts boils upon Job.
Picture the scene. A man who has just lost all of his possessions, including his children now sits in ashes that have fallen from his own body from a painful condition. He sits with shards to scrap the boils from his skin.
He sits.
He hurts
He winces.
He screams in his pain and yet never curses or blames God.
His own wife is fed up with the misery and is in Jobs face telling him he is an idiot for still holding on to his God.
How do you handle calamities? What is your response when things in this world go so very wrong that you feel God has left you? How would you respond to your spouse if they were to try to persuade you to curse God and quit holding on to him?
Would they think that you have done something wrong and so God is punishing you? How would you respond to that?
Job, in his morning, and in his pain, and in the berating of his wife.. (get this)...sins not one time.
Are you kidding me?
How could anyone go through that and not sin?
Was he really in pain? Oh yes! When his friends show up on the scene, they did not recognize him. They ripped their clothes in acknowledgement of the pain Job was going through. And they sat with him.
That's it! No talking or anything! They just sat for seven days!
Then finally, Job spoke! Not afraid to tell God how he felt about his life. He laid it all out there. He cursed the day he was born wishing he never was. He laments over the worth of being born when life seems like nothing but pain and misery. Why be born? Why offer hope?
You ever feel like that? Ever feel like screaming , "Why???"
That's what Job does, and yet he still does not sin. He still does not curse God. Throughout it all, you will find him acknowledging that God is in control.
Job learns lessons along the way. We will see that. But at the end of the day, he is humbled at the Father's feet. He is fully surrendered to the one who can bless and curse.
I hope to never have to go through the pain that Job does. Though I already have gone through much pain as a result of my own sin. But I hope I never have to endure pain because of my efforts to do the right thing like Job. But if I do, I pray I can handle it like him. Worshiping God the whole way.