
Monday, January 2, 2012

Strong Leaders - Titus 1

The setting is Crete, an island off the coast of Greece in the Mediterranean. The people of Crete are known for their business tactics and not in good way.
They are known to be liars and cheats. Check out verses Titus 1:10-12. A pretty tough environment to start a church. But the church was established in many cities in Crete, and it is in dire need to have solid leaders.
Paul gives Titus the instruction to establish these leaders throughout the island.
There are some high standards of living that these men must live up too. Among the standards are living a blameless life and living honestly. A quality that was not real easy to find on the island. But Titus did it.
Actually, when you look at the standards for elders, they really should be the standards for Christians everywhere. But if you are wanting an entire new church to take on these characteristics, it better start with the leadership. They are the ones who are to lead by example. They are the ones that members can look to in order to see what God expects. While no body is perfect, elders should be the cream of the crop.
This is not an easy task when you stop and think about it. After all, if you know that you are among the top, you run the risk of developing a proud heart. Elders should be humble yet know that they have a task and shepherding the flock. In other words, they know they have the gifts of leadership and are humbled by it. They recognize where the gifts came from and realize the need to use those gifts. In other words, it is a calling. One that is not taken lightly. They realize the importance of living a higher standard and must be disciplined and surrendered in all they do.
Caring for the body of Christ is no easy task, but it is an important one. And a good elder is priceless to the young Christian who is trying to see how to live life on earth with a heart that wants to serve God.
The churches in Crete definitely needed Godly leadership if they were to change their behavior to be more inline with God's teachings.
So as I conclude my thoughts on Titus 1, what I see is that God has a structure in place in the church that is designed to foster relationships, teachings, caring, and sometimes judging. He does this to help all believers come to know him more. When elders are in place that lead their flock and provide opportunities for growth and relationship with others and God, then you a church that will flourish and grow in amazing ways. What a great impact that would have on the church and the community the church is in.

At least that's what I think.

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