
Monday, May 26, 2014

Following Him Outside Our Comfort Zones

Matthew 9: 9-13

When it comes to the activities and people Jesus chooses, we find him in the home of sinners having dinner. The religious people did not understand what Jesus was doing. After all he picks a tax collector to be one of his closest companions. They are known to be crooked in their handling of taxes. 

When I look at the way many of our church activities are lined up, I see a lot of hanging out with the healthy or the righteous. From reading this passage, it looks like the Pharisees thought much like we do. So they ask his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with sinners?" Jesus heard them and answered. His response is one that should grab our attention, especially if we have no part of our time set aside for offering mercy to those around us. 

This takes us out of our comfort zone. If we are going to be like Jesus, then we need to realize that Jesus wants to heal, feed, bless, and save those who are broken, hungry, without hope, and lost. 

I for one need to be better about this.

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